Your Theme for 2024

Every year around October and into November, I prepare for the New Year. I have done this spiritual practice for around 10 years now. The soul care practice is to seek out your theme for the upcoming year. Please note: this is not a resolution. While we would all love to lose those 10 pounds from Christmas cookies; this practice is much deeper and focused.

Like any spiritual practice (or any type of practice, really), the approach and results get better with each repetition. I have learned over the years to not start at Christmas and ask Jesus what his theme is for the New Year. This rushes the process and makes one look for answers and wisdom in quick-fix steps. You and I know that this never works.

This post is going live a few days after Thanksgiving. You STILL HAVE TIME! Let me provide you with some ways to prepare for the New Year (in Jesus):

  • Take time each day for silence. Yes, turn off the TV and silence those phone notifications. (Those chirps and beeps aren’t helping your mental health, anyway!) During your times of silence, just sit and be still before Jesus. No questions, no requests, no prayers for your grandmother’s cousin’s neighbor’s guinea pig.
  • Start a journal entry for your yearly theme. Write in a way that works for you. Sometimes, I write in bulleted thoughts and sometimes I write in sentences. Or, you can write down key phrases or words that are coming to you.
  • Talk to someone who you can discuss your theme with. Pick someone who a consistent presence in your life.
  • Ask Jesus the following questions: Where do I need to focus my heart, soul, and mind in 2024? Is there an area where I need to trust you more? Continue to ask these questions leading up to the New Year.
  • Go back to your journal and your friend and process the word(s) that you have heard. I usually receive one word as a theme for the year and sometimes two words.
  • Don’t broadcast your theme to everyone. This is not because it is something so scandalous; however, you don’t need people throwing your theme around (and to you) when something goes awry.

I hope you experience the beautiful freedom in 2024 that is in the practice of developing a theme. If you need help with this, feel free to reach out!

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